Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 363

Started something new today. I let my old son pick out my clothes. He was so excited, his picked the first pair of jeans I held up and the first shirt he saw on the floor. If you couldn't read the sarcasm in between the lines about his excitement, I'm truly sorry. It wasn't all his fault though. I pulled him away from playing with my parents who are only here until Monday afternoon. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 362

Got to hang out with my kids and my parents today. Since it was just a family day, I didn't dress up much. Just things that were on top in the dresser. And the first boots I saw. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 361

Got to pick up my parents from the airport this afternoon! So I didn't get to stay in my pjs, but my morning was going by so slow I about did. The jeans I did hunt for because they are super comfy, the hoodie is my hubby's and the shoes are slip ons and comfy. Hair needs washed, but I was feeling lazy and I'm waiting till tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 360

Taking today off, because I was spread in different clothes than what I wore out for the day when the hubby got home. And we just cleaned the house today anyways. I'll put more than one pic up tomorrow to make up for it though!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 359

Long, cold, hard day. Went to the dentist to get, what I thought was a filling. Turned out to be a crown that was chipped from flossing to much with my braces. My face is still a little numb and I'm more than ready for bed. While I didn't go in the same pants and slippers, I did wear the shirt and sweater. The hair I braided after my shower before I left today and it's just messy from drying and putting two boys in bed for the night. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 358

Another cold day with a ton of snow outside. I didn't go anywhere but I will leave you a funny video of me doing "push ups." Just kidding, I watched the video again and no one needs to see that. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 357

Sunday best or what I could find first that would also wouldn't freeze me while walking in the snow. Had to park at the bottom of the drive way because of the snow, so we got to walk down the drive way, in the 7 in deep snow, in our Sunday best. The dress I got last summer, boots I've been wearing a lot lately because of how tall they are and the leggings (yes leggings, because they're thinker than tights). Hubby surprised me when he took the pic, so there is a little bit of flare on the skirt because I was turning around. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 356

Well I wish I could say I didn't get a full outfit picture because we were busy getting stuff done, but we weren't. We were snowed in and tried to keep the kids entertained with movies, sledding, building snowmen (2 of them) and just having fun at home. I did finally bring the baby out for a little fun outside, she was stuck in the moby wrap for all of it, but she was outside! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 355

Supposed to get a big storm tonight so we're headed out to get our Saturday shopping done. Grabbed the first pair of boots I saw, an old thermal (had it for almost 7 years and the hubby has a matching one too), first pair of jeans and just left my hair how it's been since I woke up this morning. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 354

Did a long post on my MS blog, got a lot done today except taking a shower. Hopefully I'll get that done before going to bed tonight! But for blogs sakes, here's what I've looked like all day. No make up, hubby's shirt and greasy hair that I'm hoping to wash tonight!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 353

Even though I didn't go anywhere today or change out of my pjs, I'm glad the day is over. Long, cold day. I did find out that I was used as an exam to one of my gorgeous nieces as an "it's ok to wear boy clothes." Provably helped I also got to tell my sister that I was (and still am) wearing the hubby's hoodie, means pj pants (why can't women's be as thick, comfy and have pockets?) and a men's t-shirt (it's about breast cancer, but I did buy it in the men's section). The slippers are from the women's section though. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 352

It's been a long day (mostly because I only had about 2 and a half hours of sleep), but my youngest son not only ripped a huge hole in his sheet, but managed to puncture his mattress (kind of why he was able to rip his sheet). So we got to do a little shopping as a family, eat out and buy some crib sheets. Sams boots as yesterday, different jeans, sams coat and my black infinity scarf with my hubby's beanie. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 351

 I have had a massive migraine all day, but we had to build a snowman at least once. So we did. 
Just since its powdery snow, it's a small snowman. We also tried to catch snowflakes on our tongues. 
But we really just had fun playing outside for awhile in the new snow this morning. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 350

Dressed for church! The white sweater I've had for almost a year, the green shirt was my Valentine's Day gift from the hubby, the skirt I've had for longer than I car to admit and the boots since last winter. The pose was a joke for the hubby. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 349

It's Valentine's Day! So this year I decided to "dress up", but since it was snowing this morning and it's still really cold, this is as dresses up as I was getting. The shirts I've only had since Christmas, the boots for about 6 months, and the jeans about 2 and a half years. 
I took the lipstick off, because I was getting on my braces and someone kept wanting some too. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 348

"Arctic air" made it really cold today, so I layered it up today. Spider-Man t-shirt under my long sleeve steelers shirt. Skinny jeans with my usual flat boots (just incase there was ice tonight).

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 347

Skipped today's picture due to family drama. At least now the boys know why not to run in the house. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 346

Today has been a long long day, but now it's almost over. Things were busy tonight, so I'm also really late getting this up. Today's clothes were not only about comfort, but about what was on top of the piles in my dresser. The billabong shirt I've had for a couple years, the jeans about 4 and the shoes are my newer comfy old navy ones. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 345

Not too busy of a day, but I did get to leave the house by myself! I opted for my gym clothes, because there was a chance I could go before I needed to be home for dinner with the family. 

I almost got a new pair of glasses, but wasn't sure about the frames. 

Since the eye doctor dilated my eyes, I did opt to come home and wait on the gym until tonight. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 344

Had a migraine all day and even still have it. So we didn't go anywhere. The hubby brought me some chocolate though. 
Just shows that he loves me. I did get a picture with him tonight though, because I felt bad about not getting one up yesterday. And yes, he was being silly for the picture. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 343

Due to today's pictures being on my hubby's phone and me being too sleepy to find where he left it, I'm skipping pics today and going to bed. I'll try to remember to post them on tomorrow's though!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 342

First I have to say that if the college girls around where I live can pull off the "messy bun" look and be called "fashionable", then as an almost 30 y/o and mother of 3, I should be able to go around like this and not be called lazy. Decided to get out and get things done outside the house early. Did all the shopping and my lunch before 1:00 pm! Still went for super comfy though. Same jeans as yesterday. Big t-shirt, big pacer hoodie and my newest shoes. Hubby still doesn't tell me when he's snapping pics, so I'm sorry for the "grr" like face. I was telling monkey 1 we needed to go home next for nap time.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 341

It's hasn't been the best day and oh my goodness do my clothes reflect it. I opted for my "fat jeans" and stole the hubby's rugby hoodie. Hair is up and kinda messy and wearing my comfy shoes. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 340

Still not feeling 100% again, but I am feeling well enough to get some stuff done, while also getting fresh air. The jeans I've had for a little more than two years, coat about 4 and a half, boots about 3 and the scarf since Christmas. Oh the hat about a year. I was also trying not to be annoyed by someone complaining about wanting to go to McDonald's after I had said no more than once. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 339

Hardly got out of bed today, so no pictures were taken. I've been sick and hopefully will be better tomorrow. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 338

Busy day. Went for a walk, broke out my old moby so squeaky could go with us and even tried to teach monkey #1 to ride his bike. Good news, I got the shoes I ordered! I love them! So comfy! The jacket I got from my sister for Christmas. Not sure if I've already said anything about it on here or not. The pants I bought to keep myself from saying it's too cold to go work out, but again they are comfy! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 337

Anther cold day. I was going to have the hubby take a pic of me without the coat, but is getting late and there was a little boy getting into trouble. So we ran out of time to take a pic of my shirt, but you can see my new rain boots! Not fancy and didn't pay too much for them, but I love them!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 336

Took today off because monkey #2 is sick and just wants to snuggle with his mommy. Won't get to watch the Super Bowl, but I'm sporting my steelers jersey anyways. I'm going to miss football season.