Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 613

Fun morning. Got everyone ready for church and since it was going to be unseasonably warm, I opted for warmer season shoes. I'm horrible I know, but I miss living in California a lot. First I have to say I'm sorry for the look on my face, the hubby was being silly and it was really windy. The sweeter I've had for about 5 years, the shirt, almost 3 and the skirt I've actually had for 18 years. The shoes I've had for about 2 I think. 
Ok this picture, people will only understand if they've seen the little mermaid. He wasn't happy about getting ready for bed and I needed to cheer him up. The pants are the boot cut my mom got me, the shirt is my hubby's and the slippers are about a month old now. 

Day 609 - 612

Somehow all 4 kids ended up with colds and ya, was a little on the busy side. 

Day 608

Today I was interesting. Took my second oldest to a doctor appointment and yet somehow I ended up getting a blood test (hence the sad face picture). The shirt is the hubby's, the skinny jeans are about 3 years old and the pink hat is about 2 years old. 

Day 607

It's a Monday, have a headache so I wasn't all that worried about what I looked like. The shirt is the hubby's and the pants are the boot cut ones my mom got me a couple months ago. 

Day 606

Took me a lot longer than it should have to pick something out to wear to church, but I did (and the hubby didn't get to see what I did to the bedroom while looking for clothes) until after we got back). The black shirt I've had for about 4 years and the skirt about 3 years. 

Day 605

Another (obviously) cold day with the same hoodie, coat and hat as yesterday, but with my new skinny jeans and booties. 

Day 604

Out on a Friday night family dinner date. It was really cold so I had the hubby's hoodie on under my pea coat that I've had for about 6 years and it's the same hat as yesterday's. 

Day 603

I promised my oldest we would go play in the snow and it was a first for my daughter to play in it. Just wish we didn't ended up sitting down in it. The coat is my hubby's an it's about 7 years old and the hat is my new one. The dog was just checking on us and making sure we were ok. He even made us sir there awhile before letting us get up. 

Day 602


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day 601

Busy day and I even screwed things up too. Woke up late to my "time to load up" alarm. Thinking I was only taking the kids to drop them off, I left the house in my pjs. Ended up having to buy a new shirt and new jeans because I ended up getting my oldest into the dentist. I even had to buy a pair of socks! That's how bad it was. Yes, that does mean I left my house without any socks on my feet. 

Day 600


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 599

Busy morning. Took 3 of the 4 kids to church this morning and left the 4th home with the hubby because he hasn't had his shots yet. I know the dress isn't flattering, but I bought it before I found out I was pregnant with baby 4, so today was the first time I wore it. Even had to take the tags off this morning. I also found out that I only have two dresses not packed up from when we put new flooring in. 

Day 598

Busy day, forgot to post anything. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 597

Today was so busy I could about cry, oh wait, I did! But for a completely different reason. I ended up driving for most of the day (about 120 miles over all). It was also a rainy day, so I thought Kermit was a good fit for the day. I've had the shirt for a couple years and the jeans are the ones my mom brought me. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Day 596

Busy day of running around, but it got back up into the low 50's so I was happy! Ended up wearing the same jeans as yesterday and my All Blacks rugby shirt (longing for it to fit like it used to) with the same boots as yesterday. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Day 595

I had my 6 week check up today (I'm really only 5 and a half weeks out, but oh well). Sadly I found out I'm about 20 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight, but I did gain quite a bit with the little guy that the doctor was impressed. She said it wouldn't hurt to try and rest more, but did tell me I don't have any restrictions. So I'll probably start taking my frustration about my weight, out on my muscles Monday. 

Anyways, the shirt I bought a couple days after Christmas, jeans are my skinny jeans that I love (not sure why they fit right now though) and the boots/booties are the same as yesterday. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 594

Today I got an order in the mail that I got to pay for with a gift card from FashApp. It's just a hat, but it is so warm! It's also really think and comfy! The coat I've had for about 6 years, jeans are my Nine West jeans, the infinity scarf is about 2 years old from old navy and the booties are my newest ones also from old navy.  

Day 593

Busy day. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 592

It was somewhat of a busy day, but warmish. So I wore my other new pair of yoga pants and a comfy shirt I've had for a few years. It's not the most flattering outfit for a post baby body, but it was so comfy, I really didn't care. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Day 591

It was a busy day, but more down time than usually so I did get to take a couple pictures. The close up is because of how much I'm loving my mascara that I bought and the shirt is one of the hubby's while the jeans are an old pair of low rise flare cut jeans. Paired with my pink nikes. 

Day 587-590

Busy mommy stuff mixed with lack of sleep, so didn't get a pic in of what I was wearing. 

Day 586

Spent the day at home and in my pjs with my family. Had the shirt for years and the pants are one of my new ones. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Day 585

Finally somewhat of a low-key day! Didn't get much done, but I did go grocery shopping (all by myself) and had to get dressed to do that. The shirt is new, my other pacers shirt was getting a few holes on it, so I thought it was time for a new one. The jeans I wore are not pictured, but they were a dark wash, boot cut. 

Day 578-584

End of the year and started a new one.