Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 304

 Going to be very honest today. The first pic is what I was going to wear. Even got my boys up and ready while wearing it, but after all the times I had to pull my pants back up and adjust them, I decided they were a little too small and too much of a pain to wear. 
So I decided to wear an old pair of pants that are a size or two too big. While they also required some pulling up and adjusting, I felt more comfortable (even if I looked at least 5 lbs bigger). This is a picture of what I really wore (and my black pea coat because it is freezing outside!). 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 303

Have a dentist appointment to get a few more sets of braces today and this is as dressed up as I'm getting. I will finish my make up in the car while the hubby drives.  

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 302

I'm going to use my kids as a reason not to take a picture today. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 301

Guess I should get this going again. Went to church and then to my in-laws for dinner. Not sure how I feel about this look with the chunky necklace and watch. Felt like I was having a fat day and even my scale kind of agreed. 

Day 298, 299, 300

Time off for Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 297

Party at the in-laws!!! As you can see, we really dress up for it. I'm excited for the food and the games! Keeps the pants and shirt. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 296

So today I don't think I'm going to change out of my pjs (the hoodie is because I'm freezing and the hubby doesn't want to turn the heater up), but I did get the new make up I ordered! Feel free to laugh because even my son laughed at it. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 295

Yes I'm dressed and on a Monday! I have my 6 week check up at the dr and have to say a HUGE thank you to the nurse that started the scale at 100 for me. Sadly that means a lot to me, even more so after just having a baby. Once again, I'm keeping everything. Don't laugh too hard at my hair though, I just just gotten out of the shower and was running late. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 294

Nothing like changing your clothes 3 times before just going with something you've worn for about 11 years. No clue how it still fit but it works, I'll be keeping both the shirt and skirt. Also the blacks tights and boots. Not sure I should let the hubby take the pics anymore...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 293

The hubby "kicked me out" to go get one of my gifts from him that he can't really do anything but pay for. So early morning pic and one of the process of the gift. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 292

Decided to get dressed today hoping it will motivate me a bit more. I don't think it's working but since I'm dressed I thought I'd also get this done too. I'm not really sure I like this shirt. It's a bit tighter than I want, but since I just had a baby 5 weeks ago, I've been told not to expect too much. I'll put make up on later. 

Day 291

I'm a day late putting a picture up, but as you can tell by the lack of make up and location of the picture, it was another hanging out at home day. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 290

We were running late for an appointment this morning so I didn't have time to flat iron my bangs to make them look anywhere close to nice and the make up just never happened either. The glasses do hide the whole no make up a little bit, but not much. Not sure how much I like this shirt either, but we'll see. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 289

Didn't go anywhere and didn't take a pic of me today that hadn't already been used somewhere. So I'll just pic a really cute one I took of my daughter this morning in my favorite onsie on her. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Day 288

Today is Sunday and we went to church, so there's 2 pics with 2 outfits. The first is what I wore to church and second is what I wore or will wear the rest of the day. At this rate I'll be done going through my clothes in no time! The second one also shows how ready I am for a nap!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 287

Fun morning at home but we need to go buy some food for the week. Under the hoodie is a t-shirt that I mostly just sleep in so it won't be going in the give away pile. And I love these jeans so they'll stay too. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 286

The first picture is what I was going to wear. I was going to be a little festive and wear the only "Christmas" shirt I own, but no. It's not even going to be worn a full day, it's going into my give away or burn pile. The second picture is what I'm really going to wear out of my house today. And sorry about the heavy eyeliner, 2 out of 3 kids were down for a nap so I had a little too much fun with the gel eye liner. And one of these days I'll remember to wash the mirror!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 285

I was about to go to bed when I remembered I hadn't done this yet. Yes I know these pants add what looks like at least 30 lbs but they are so soft and comfy I really don't care. It's been an odd day but I did get a lot done around the house. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 284

So today's pic isn't really about my clothes. I'm still sick but I have a very cute snuggle buddy today. Also I need to start going through my clothes again and find out what fits, what doesn't and what I just don't like anymore. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 283

I'll be honest. I only picked this shirt because I knew I wouldn't be taking my coat off while I was out. Not that I don't like it, it's just a little tight right now. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Day 282

I have a cold complete with fevers and a sinus/sniffling headache (that's why it's so dark, lights really hurt right now). So sorry today's pic isn't very fun, it's been a hard day.  

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 282

Sorry about the face but an alert or whatever popped up on my phone that the football team playing mine just scored a touchdown when I took the picture. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 281

He's going to hate me for this when he's older, but it was because of him that we got a call this morning about needing to pick up and bring clean clothes for a sick little guy. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Day 280

The hubby has a work Christmas party and this is as dressed up as I felt like getting. Honestly the outfit looked better in the full length mirrors on my closet but oh well. I'm dressed and this is what I'm going to wear. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 279

I'm a little on the sleepy side (I know, not again...) and didn't feel like taking the "usual" selfie today. And no, the kids and I didn't get dressed today. Sorry for the super close up. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 278

Yes I'm wearing "mom jeans" but they fit and hold everything in so I'm happy. I'm also wearing make up because no one needs to see how much sleep I don't get lately. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 277

I don't have anywhere I need to go today and just Jude's PT and OT are coming over so I'm staying in my pjs, hoodie and slippers. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 275, 276

The picture shows why I forgot to take a picture yesterday. 

I almost forgot to take one today too, but remembered right before I left the house. Just forgot to do anything with it. Totally can't tell there's a new baby in the house and in going on 2 hours of sleep today. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 274

I know my hair looks awful but I'm going to put a beanie on anyways so I got lazy. Also I'm going to spend most my time today in a van taking my mom to the airport. She thinks since her flight ticket says she leaves today, she actually has to leave today. Go figure! Here's hoping the eye make up lasts!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 273

Forgot to take a pic before leaving to go browsing around a couple stores after the big rush. Still not used to not having a baby belly to worry about, my clothes fit so much better! Still need to firm my tummy up again though. 

Day 272

This is one of the only selfies I took yesterday. Sorry. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 271

Thought since I had a little time before I have to run out the door to get this started again. I'm sorry for the mess, but I'm fitting into my jeans again! :)

Day 260-270

I was out with a new baby and forgot to take pics. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Day 259

I'm not pregnant anymore! But my goodness will a 22 hour delivery suck the life out of you. Good news for today though, I got to take a shower, baby is eating and doing just fine! Bad news, instill haven't got a whole lot of sleep and I'm still in a hospital gown. But maybe I can wear my own clothes tomorrow!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 258

Was in labor all day until 6:44, I'll post a pic later. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 256, 257

Just didn't feel like taking a picture yesterday since I really didn't go anywhere. This morning on the other hand is different. The shirt is somewhat new and I'm finally going to wear it, too tight or not. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 254, 255

Yesterday was an odd day, that's all I'll say. 

Today was also an odd day that really didn't start out all that great, but I'm still pregnant and wearing what fits over my belly. Yes the shirt is WAY too tight but I did put a hoodie over it so no one else knew. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 253

In a hurry to get to the doctor. I thought today was just going to be a lazy day but the baby in my belly has decided otherwise. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 252

I bought this hoodie when I was 17 and it's also the hoodie my husband decided to take after he came to visit when we were just dating. The face I'm making because my son stole the beanie I was going to wear, but he's decided that he's going to wear my "butterbye hat" this morning. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day 251

Busy morning so I won't even get to put any make up on until I get to the parking lot of where we're going. But the pants are new! Fleeced lined leggings that aren't as thick as I would like but still work. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 250

I found one of my fav shirts is still long enough! Bad thing is I also found a small hole in it too. :( oh well I'm still going to wear it today!