Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 38

It's a warmer day and the boy and I went to the park today. The dress I bought a couple years ago along with a pink one just like it. The leggings and shoes were repeats though. Sorry the picture is blurry I took it when I was running late and still no make up on. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 37

This is the dress I wore to the Kentucky derby while 5 months pregnant with baby #2. Not sure how long I will wear this today but it was the only thing I could think of that I haven't worn yet and matched the nail polish baby #1 picked out. The leggings are a repeat and the shoes I've had for about 3 years. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 36

We're going on a short road trip and since it's also cold and rainy I'm dressing comfy in long sleeves shirt I got about 2 years ago and repeating some jeans. The shoes will also be repeats unless I find some that will work well with my comfy outfit and then I'll post a picture. Also my mouth is open in the picture because someone was taking off with the soap. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 35

I found some jeans I haven't worn yet! After I put them on I realized why I don't wear them very much. They're stretchy and ride really low, so that means when I sit down they go lower too. (Can you say hoodie?). The shirt I bought last year and the white under shirt I've already worn. The shoes I bought to wear to the Kentucky derby and they're very comfy (like most wedges are). It's date night so I even put my hair in hot rollers. Just getting dressed took some of the curl out until I get out in the humidity. So please don't tease me too much. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 34

It's already been too long of a day and it's only 4:30 and not even dinner time. The leggings and shoes are repeats since it's still cold, but the dress is about 2 and a half years old. Got it on clearance at old navy and it's a lot warmer than it looks. Sorry for slouching and looking frumpy but it's been that kind of day. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 33

This morning baby #1 decided he was going to pick out my clothes and while he did first pick out a dress I haven't worn since last summer, it's still too cold for that. So I directed him to warmer clothes. The pants I believe are a repeat. The pink shirt I've had for around 2 years and the tank top (now mostly blue thanks to a pair of old navy jeans and my washer) I've had about 5 or 6 years. My shoes will more than likely be a repeat but if not I'll put up a picture of them. 

Day 32

It snowed yesterday so the pants and shoes were a repeat, but my shirt I've had for 7 or 8 years. And now that I'm thinking on it it might also be a repeat. Sorry it's a day late. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 31

The pants are a repeat but the shirt is just a couple weeks old and the shoes match a pair that my mom got at the same time about 7 years ago. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 30

I'm honestly little ashamed I've made it to day 30 and still have more the wear. I've told you about my sweater already so I'll tell you about my tank top. I've had it about 3 months and got it (and a green one just like it) for under shirts. The skirt I've had since 7th or 8th grade (gotta love elastic waist bands). The shoes I've had for a little over a year and bought them because red was my grandmas favorite color and thought it was fitting to wear them to her funeral. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 29

I'm late at getting this up but it's been an incredibly busy day. The shirt I've had for round 3 years and the pants about the same. The shoes I've had for about 2 and a half years. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Day 28

Today baby #1 picked out my shirt and my husband picked out the shorts (they're actually his). The shirt I've had only since around Christmas. The flip flops I got about 5 years ago as a matchy matchy thing with my husband (he has a pair that looks just like them). My toes are red because I was starting to get too warm. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 27

I cheated. It was windy today and somewhat cold. Also I wasn't going anywhere either. So I wore some pants that's I've already worn. The shirts I haven't though. The shirt I got about two years ago and the cardigan I got last year. And I've already told you about my slippers. Sorry I cheated!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 26

Today is kind of cold, but I've worn all my pants already. I got the dress about 2 summers ago when I was pregnant with baby #2. It is maternity that's why it hangs kind of baggy on me. The shoes I've had for 4 years and still love them!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 25

I had this skirt for about 4 or 5 years and don't usually wear it in the spring time. The shirt I've had for 2 years and only got it to wear under my dress that I wore to the Kentucky derby while I was pregnant with baby #2. The shoes I've had for almost 6 years and don't wear them often because the rub blisters on the sides of my feet. 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 24 (to get back on track)

Since I do need to go somewhere today I decided to get back to wearing everything I own once before repeating (sick or not). The dress I got from one of my sisters who is helping me dress a bit more girly. It's a wee bit shorter then what I would normally wear so since it's still cold out side I put on my fleece lined leggings. The dress I've only has a few months and the leggings I think about 6 months. The boots are my favorite shoes I own. I've had them just a few months but since I haven't water proofed them yet, I haven't worn them very much.

Day 23

I skipped yesterday because I'm still sick but I did put on a shirt for today. I've had it at least a year. I always shop the day after st Patricks day sales to get my shirts 50 % off. I'll put up another post if I go anywhere. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 22 part 2

I bought these shoes almost 6 years ago (hence why they aren't all white anymore), but I'm happy they're still in fashion!!! And to tell you a secret, these are the shoes I in my wedding pictures!

Day 22

Ok after 2 and a half days of being stuck inside I'm ready to get out. I don't care where we go but the boys and I are going somewhere (with the husband driving of course). The sweater I bought about 2 and a half years ago because I was somewhat if a new mommy, it was cold and it sort of fit the bill. The blue shirt is actually a tube top I got off of for free with the credit they gave me for signing up and inviting other people (it was also the only thing around $20 that I thought was cute). 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 21 part 2

Well thanks to my fever (now up to 102.4) we didn't go out for dinner and I ate a completely flavorless dinner here at home with baby #2 taking food off my plate instead of just eating his. Wish I could say I feel a little better but that wouldn't be the truth. Here's hoping for a quick recovery while Benadryl knocks me out for the night. 

Day 21

Still sick and don't feel like doing anything. I let baby #1 take the picture got the day. I might get dressed later though since we 're supposed to have dinner with my in-laws. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 20

This weather (and allergies) are killing me. I'm on my second new box of tissues in two days and now no longer have a voice. So today is going to be even more relaxed than usual. Nothing like sweat pants and one of my husbands shirts to stay warm and comfy. The slippers help also!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 19 part 2

Because the boys had me thinking we were running late, I didn't get a chance to take a picture if my boots. But here they are! Not the best angle I know, but I'm in an office and didn't want to draw any attention. 

Day 19

Today is a busy day and it's supposed to snow (again...) but the good news is that I get to wear my new boots! My shirt is 3 years old and the leggings are about 2 years old. It's a comfy outfit to run around in though! And don't make fun of the hair please, I don't know what I want to do with it yet. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 18 part 2

My last shirt got sneezed on so I changed into this one. This was a hand me down from a friend last summer before I miscarried. It's still soft and comfy so I've kept it! 

Day 18

It's supposed to be a high of 70 so I got out capris to wear incase the boys and I feel well enough to go outside. I've had them for about 2 years I think. The colts shirt about a year and my steelers slippers I've already written about on here. And who knows, maybe I'll even put some mascara on today!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Because some memories are better left in ash

Done with jeans

Now that I've worn all my jeans, these are what I'm getting rid of (for now). 

Day 17 part 2

Baby #1 is awake and is being loud so we're going for a short walk while baby #2 sleeps. I figure that since it's almost my favorite holiday, green flip flops were the way to go. Got them at the same $1 sale as the other ones. 

Day 17

Today is another low key day with one appointment at home, but if the occupational theorist is up for it we might meet at a park. The shirt and jeans are few months old (I love Christmas clearance). My husband does tease me about this shirt though. When I sleep in it, since it has polamalu on the back, he says he gets to snuggle with polamalu. Not sure which shoes I'm going to wear today yet. So part 2 coming soon!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 16 part 2

Ok so I was told I need to eat but since neither my husband or I want to make anything, we're going to the in-laws. The leggings I've had for around 3 years and the shirt about 4. I know I looks awful not only because I'm sick but because of how tight the clothes fit and show every "curve" I have but please be nice. I'm sick. The flip flops I've had for 5 years and they are still comfy, padded and in wearable condition!

Day 16

I have a cold or allergies or something that's giving me a runny nose, sore throat and a massive sinus headache. So if I ever make it out of bed long enough to get dressed I'll post it. But as of right now I don't think I'll even make it to church. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 15

Well I left the doors open and the boys came running to play. The shirt is only about 4 or 5 months old. Again only bought it because one of the boys spilled something on my other shirt, but that time I had to go coach basketball practice. The jeans are about 17 months old (bought them awhile after baby #2 was born). The flip flops I bought the same time as yesterday at the $1 flip flop sale.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 14 part 2

I might be wearing a hoodie but it's warm enough to wear flip flops (at least in my mind it is). I got them last year during old navy's dollar flip flop sale. 

Day 14 (already?!?)

Both the jeans and shirt I got around this last Christmas. The jeans I got for myself before and the shirt my husband got for me as a gift. And my son wanted to help me get ready this morning. All I can say is I'm glad it's finally supposed to be warm enough I don't has to spend 20 minutes (I have a lot of hair) blow drying my hair today! I'll post shoes later since I'm not sure what pair I want to wear yet but I did finally get my boots!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 13

It's supposed to be a low key day with two appointments at home. So I'm staying in my pjs unless my husband says we have to go somewhere when he gets home from work. My shirt was my first pacer shirt I bought (I had stopped watching basketball when Jordan retired from the bulls until I move here) about 5 years ago. My pj pants I bought on Christmas clearance (so they were super cheap). I know I'm mixing basketball with football when it come to my 5 and a half year old slippers but I love my steelers slippers.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 12

Jeans are a gift from one of my sisters (about 6 months old), because I asked her to help me look a bit more girly. The shirt was a gift from a friend about 8 years ago. And the boots are a repeat because I still didn't get my new ones and there's still snow outside. So with going out with two little kids I need to be ready. Sorry about the messy hair I didn't get a chance to wash it.