Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 335

I didn't know the hubby was taking the picture or I would have at least stood up straight. Oh well. This is what I wore today with my black and brown boots. Not sure I'll be keeping the shirt. 

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 334

Friday dinner with the in-laws. Pants are my favs again, shoes are my newest, but quickly becoming my favs. Coat, scarf and glasses are repeats. The hair is loose because I still have the migraine, but braided because I've hit the time I'm losing a ton of hair from having a baby. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 333

Lazy day. Only things I did were house work and bake some pumpkin cookies. So I'm not posting another pic of me in my pjs. Sorry. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 332

Another day with a migraine, was running late to see the dentist to get more invisaline trays, so the pic is kind of blurry. The first is what I wore there, the second is what I put on after we got home. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 331

Hubby decided I was too stressed and made me go to the gym after he got home. So I didn't really get dressed except for my work out clothes. The pics were taken after I got home, sorry for the bad lighting. I did spend most of my evening at ye gym though, just walking a little funny since it was a leg day. Tomorrow I'm not sure I'll be able to walk. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 330

Had some ambition and was going to go for a walk/jog but the weather said it was supposed to snow. So I just jogged down and up my hill. Ended up staying in my clothes since I didn't break a sweat and they're comfy. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 329

Well we over slept and missed church this morning. I also woke up with a migraine and not even a hot shower has helped. So I opted for a super comfy outfit today of my hubby's t-shirt, black steelers pants and my new comfy shoes. We did make it to my in-laws for dinner though. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 328

Taking the boys to the movies. It's still cold so unless the baby wants to eat, my coat won't come off. The pants are getting a little big so I had to put on a belt. Maybe I shouldn't have worn them throughout the pregnancy. Anyways, none of the clothes are new and I've already talked about them before. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 327

Today has been a bit crazy. So much so that my husband is already talking about sending me to the gym. Something about being stressed? Anyways, today I did a cold casual. You can't see my shirt (blue v-neck), but you get a better look at my black infinity (so soft!) scarf. Jeans and boots are a repeat. 

Day 326

Completely forgot to take a picture yesterday, but I also didn't change out of my pjs so no one missed anything. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 325

Just found out, before typing this, that yesterday's post never posted. So I posted it. Today I made a deal with my oldest that if he took a nap, we would play outside for 20 minutes. So we did. The jeans I haven't had too long, but the beanie I've had since about 2004 or 2005 when a the school year was over and none of my moms students claimed it. The shoes I just bought a couple days ago at old navy on clearance. Only has to pay $7

Day 324

Ever have one of those days that start off pretty well and then about half way through just fall apart? That was my day today, even put my pjs back on after lunch so the hubby couldn't take the pic of what I wore today. I did however take a close enough pic for you to see my cracked lip. Yay for losing not only Chapstick, but lip gloss too. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Day 323

It's been a long, but fun day. Got to hang out as a family while on the go. Had to take today's pic while at a shoe store, but it works!  Since I didn't get much sleep last night, I didn't really feel like dressing up and just went with a frumpy look. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 322

Sorry for the first picture, but the hubby thinks he's funny. I love the dress though. I really do think it's my favorite out of what I own. The sweater is a repeat though because my church is always cold and so was my in-laws. The second picture is an example of a couple things. One, my hair today and two, why I shouldn't watch football (I tent to get a little loud) when I have a headache. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 321

Not going anywhere tonight so I'm staying in my comfy clothes. Wore some old jeans that are kind of big and what I call my "mommy sweater". 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 320

Another very casual Friday with a nice big hoodie and leggings. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 319

Today has been a busy day. I spent most of it cleaning my house and then a quick run to the mall with my oldest to grab something that was on sale. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 318

I'll admit it, I almost forgot to post anything today. Since it's after 10 pm my time I'm just going to use a few pics from my day. I didn't get any pics of what I wore today. Sorry. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 317

I stayed in my pjs all day and never left my house, but to keep from going stir crazy and end up with cabin fever I made pizza for dinner from scratch. I even let my oldest son help me (honestly didn't have much a of choice since he was right next to me and repeating over and over that he wanted to help and my back was already hurting. So instead of pics of me, I'll post pics of my night and what I made. 
 There are two smaller ones that aren't pictured here. Big plus side to this, I don't have to cook again until Saturday (I hope). 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 316 part 2

Still have the cold so I didn't even put make up on today. Wearing a Minnie Mouse sweater I got about a month ago and some gray capris that I've been wearing all day anyways. The second pic is a better pic of the red infinity scarf, but the pink knit cap my mom made for me about 3 or so years ago. 

Day 316 part 1

I am an idiot. Last night while sitting on my bed and looking at my dresser, I started to think about all the clothes I've given away since starting this blog. I also have gone through my clothes again to lighten my laundry days too. 

But as I sat there last night I realized what an idiot I am. While I've doing this blog, I've also been trying to dress more to my age while being cheap. Sad thing is (here's why I'm an idiot) I have been buying to same shirt from Old Navy, H&M and TJMaxx in different colors, neck lines and patterns!
 There are 14 shirts there that are pretty much the same except for 2 of them (one has long sleeves and the other buttons). So while they aren't t-shirts, they are all still casual and considered "tees". 

Next I went through my t-shirts to make myself feel a little better since I have given away a lot of those too. 
 Wrong! There are 27 t-shirts in that pile. That doesn't even include my long sleeve shirts! Sadly my husband is proud of the amount of t-shirts I have and that I really do wear all of them. I on the other hand am still struggling with something I've been trying to do since I was 21 (not look like a teenager or college student). 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 315

We're all sick with colds in this house so today's pic is what it feels like here. All fuzzy and blurry. Even the baby is sneezing and stuffy. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 314

Didn't get a pic taken before we left to go shopping, my hubby did remember to at least take some pics while I was out for a walk with the boys. Jeans I've only had since Christmas, same as the read infinity scarf. The coat I've had for 5 years I think, the beanie about 2 years and the boots I've worn more than once for this. Oh but the gloves are my favorite part! I've had those about 6 years I think. Best $14 I ever spent I think. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 313

Tonight is dinner out with the in-laws. I'm doubled up on layers tonight. Top and bottom. Fleece lined leggings under skinny jeans and two shirts to stay a little warmer. In the first pic. The second is just what I look like after I leave the house because it's so cold (and the hubby was a bit camera happy). 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 312

Kind of a slow day but ended up having to get dressed and go somewhere. The jeans are a bit snug but I also had some dr pepper today. So who knows if they really fit or not. Keeping them to find out. The shirt fits fine just a bit dressier than my usual shirts. If it wasn't 11 degrees out I would have put on a necklace, but it would have probably froze to my skin. I went for a black infinity scarf instead that is super soft and kept me warm. Keeping that. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 311

I'll be honest, I flipped through all of the pics my hubby took (about 12) and really didn't like any of them. I just don't feel pretty. Yes I should have brushed my hair and put on some make up, but I think I really mostly need to admit I still have a bit of the baby blues. I don't like the shape of my body and the lack of sleep is preventing me from doing everything I need and want to do. But oh well, the blog must go on regardless of if I like the pics or not. The hubby likes them and that's really all that matters to me the shirt is my free shirt I got for signing up with my gym a couple years ago, the slippers came in a two pack with my other ones and the jeans are one of my favs I've had for about two years. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 310

Didn't do a photo today due to a dr appointment my monkey #2 has today that didn't go as I wanted it to. I know I'm lacking details here, but I really just spent most of the day being thankful that I get to be his mom. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 309

It's a sick day at my house today. No make up (for me), soup and pjs for everyone. Lots of snuggles though!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 308

Maybe I should only wear these jeans with boots. I didn't wear the first pair of jeans I put on today because I thought my hips looked too big. Oh well, this is what my husband captured with my phone before we left for the in-laws. The shirt is new and the monkey (my oldest son) likes it because it has letters on it. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 307

Giving up control of the camera has been harder than I thought, but it also forces me to deal with my control issues. Again I didn't like any of the pics today (doesn't help that I can see just how bad my knees are swollen), but this is what I wore today. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 306

I didn't like any of the pics my husband took for me today and was going to skip it, but then I couldn't say much about my jeans. While I think they make me look fat in pictures, they are long and comfy. Keeping the jeans and wore the shirt for "casual Friday" for date night. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 305

New year, new photographer! The hubby didn't tell me when he was snapping pics, so I didn't have much to chose from. Both shirts, the greenish one underneath is short sleeved and it's cold out, so I put my new long sleeved one over it.