Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 409

Honestly I didn't think I was going to have to get dressed and go anywhere, but somehow I ran over a nail yesterday. We went and got the tire fixed and then hung out at the in-laws until they fed us dinner. Just kidding, I went and cooked the frozen pizza myself. Anyway, it was a warm day, but I couldn't find any capris. So I did that I've been doing for years and just rolled up my jeans to look like capris. Grabbed the first shirt off the top in the dresser and it ended up being my favorite steelers shirt. They flip flops are just the first pair I saw. I'll include a picture of my (dirty) hair just because I do feel bad that it's been awhile since I posted anything on here. 
The hair picture I took at my in-laws because I was curious how it looked. 

Day 406-408

Crazy busy with kids that decided to be super clingy and made bed times completely off. Sorry for no pics, just didn't have time. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 405

 Today I have been a horrible friend. I completely forgot about my friends sons court of honor! I will say that I also forgot that today was even Sunday until around 11 this morning and we missed all of church. 😞 On a happier note though, I got to start a really big fire! 
Since most of my day was spent cleaning up brush and piling it on, I just wore a dirty t-shirt and a pair of my hubby's shorts. Sorry I didn't get a picture of what I was wearing, but I do promise you, it's probably for the best I didn't. 
He kids were happy though. All of them got to play outside while we cleaned up and even the dogs got to hang out with us too!
We call him "nana" when he's around the kids. 

Day 404

Sorry I forgot to post anything yesterday!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 403

Today monkey 2 broke his crib. 
Needless to say, no one had a nap. 
Another sad part is that one of my favorite football players retired. So today I work a shirt with his name on the back. (If you're a steelers fan or a football fan you know who I'm talking about. I've had the shirt for about two years now. We did get to go out for our usually Friday night family date though!
And even made a stop at. Park for a bit before going home. 

Day 400-402

Took some days off for family time and a small project I've been working on with the hubby. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 399

Been a long and not really all that fun of a day. So long I don't even care that I look really chubby in the picture. The pacer shirt is new, just got it on Saturday. Pants are repeats. 
I did like my hair today though. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 398

I'll start this off by saying that I have wanted to have blonde hair since my natural blonde hair started turning brown when I was a little girl, my mom just kept telling me, "no, not until you learn to take care of it." So today is not only about my clothes, but also my hair, which took a little more than 4 hours from start to rinse. 
The clothes though, the pants are a pair I bought about 4 years ago after having monkey 1, the blue shirt under the sweater is about 3 years old and the sweater I've only had for a few months. 
And this is the finished look before I braided it. 
I couldn't find a brush in the car and was sad about it. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 397

A day I don't really want to repeat. It started at around 2:30 this morning with monkey 1 crying/whimpering because he threw up in his room. Poor guy spent the next 13 hours curled up on the couch in the living room with his favorite blanket, pillow and pillow pets. All while I tried to clean the rest of the house (while also taking care of the other 2 kids) before the hubby and realtor got to the house. Thankfully, monkey 1 started to feel better around the time everyone got here and things seemed to be easier. We even got to go out for dinner and finish our usually weekend shopping tonight. Anyways, the pants are my favorite skinny jeans, the shirt was just a big, baggy shirt that super comfy to wear around (even if it does make me look incredibly chubby in the belly area). Pants are about 2 years old, the shirt only about a year old. The face and again not looking at the camera, is because of the crazy/silly things the hubby does to make me smile when I don't want to. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 396

In today's picture I look tired, dirty and incredibly frumpy. And it's true. I cannot be any more real than in this picture. I spent the whole day doing laundry, feeding a baby, making meals for the monkeys, folding clothes, spraying for bugs and cleaning as much of the house as I could. And all because a realtor is coming tomorrow afternoon to give us an idea of how much we could sell the house for and what all we can do to improve on it to maybe get a little more. Anyways. The shirt is an old shirt that I stole from the hubby and the shorts I've had for about 9 years now. Not looking because I was arguing with a 4 year old about when bed time is. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 395

Long and busy day, but the pics the hubby took are cute enough to post! I was wear the same jeans from the other day for most of the morning, but changed into Capri leggings after it warmed up outside. The shirt I've had for about 6 years. It's funny because there aren't any Dolphins anywhere close to susanville. If you'd like to know why, Google it.