Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 352

I didn't think I was going to be awake enough to do this, but someone isn't ready to be back on east coast time and thinks it's only a little past 7 pm. We spent the day mostly playing around and not doing much. Put on a clean shirt and pj pants, but that's as far as I got. 

Day 351

Since yesterday was spent on planes or at airports, I didn't get to post anything. But this these are the pics that I did take. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 350

I thought I was only staying until Saturday, so I didn't pack any church clothes for me. Ended up having to go buy a dress and shoes last night so I could go to church today with my parents. So it's a new dress and I finally gave in and bought the over done flip flops. I sent the same pictures on here to my hubby and he loves what I got. So I guess I'm keeping them. And yes that is lipstick that I'm wearing. Don't get used to it. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 349

An exciting day! My uncle came home from special Olympics with two golds and a bronze medals!!!!
Special Olympics or not, how many people can say they not only get to hang out with a gold medalist, but are related to one! For as long as I can remember ice looked up to him and his abilities with amazement. Everything he goes to the Olympics, he comes back with at least one gold! 

My clothes today I sadly didn't get a picture of, I'm already in my pjs. Those are old shorts from high school and my steelers shirt. 

Day 348

Was busy and forgot all about this! Sorry!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 347

Today was pretty low key, but when I did finally have to get dressed to go somewhere, I wore the same pants as yesterday, one of my hubby's old shirts and my leopard print shoes. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Day 346

Today didn't start off as well as I wanted it to. My dad was up making breakfast and loading the dishwasher! Heck, even after I got out of the shower I caught him bringing in a load of wood for the wood stove. The score was 3-1, all I had done by then was wash dishes and load the rest of the dishwasher after I finished breakfast. But I got him back by doing the yard work and paying for lunch. Clothes are a pair of 5 year old jeans, my pacer hoodie, 5 year old new balance shoes and the shirt under the hoodie is another one of the hubby's. 

Day 345

This is really for yesterday, but since I was busy getting ready to go on a trip the only picture I got was at the airport with my travel buddy. There's only one because a few weeks ago my dad was in a car accident and ended up in the ICU for a few days. Two of my siblings were able to come and help out after my dad got to come home, but after a week of my mom going back to work and my dad being bored at home, he started doing chores around the house he's not supposed to yet. So I brought only one of my kids so I could beat my dad to getting things done around the house. The shirt I wore is another of my hubby's, pants are compression leggings, flip flops and my pacer hoodie. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Day 344

It's official. I'm pregnant! Since we can only go by my last period, it's too soon to know much yet, but in two weeks I get to have an ultrasound and find out a lot more. So tonight we celebrated by making pizza. And man did I get messy! Flour and sauce all over my capris and hubby's shirt! I did get a little upset about the pizza in the picture though. The first time I ever made my family pizza recipe for him, he raved about the crust and loved thick crust. So I mad a really thick crust one. After it was cooked and we were eating on the first one, he said that was his favorite thick crust (about half the thickness of the one in the picture), but he said he'll still eat it. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 343

Happy Mother's Day! It mostly was for me. Having a 4 year old is very trying and hard. Everything, and I do mean everything we asked him to do, he did the opposite. So he gets to stay the night with his grandparents (he made up for the rest of the day while we were over there). Anyways. Today's outfit was part Mother's Day gift and a go to shirt to feel "pretty" that ended up making me feel chubby. I do know that swelling in the abdomen is very common at this stage in pregnancy, but I still think I look fat. Anyways, the black capris are a Mother's Day gifts and the shirt is about 2 years old. Flip flops are a repeat and the necklace (don't think you can see the watch) I got for Valentine's Day, the watch was a Christmas gift. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 342

Man has it been a long day. Worked on the house this morning and got a bit of a tan on my scalp. Came back inside to feed the baby when my oldest son caught a toad and "had" to come in and show me. He said he wanted him to hold his hand, then he thought the toad licked him and dropped him. So I got to same him (the toad) and put him back outside. I also finally cut my hair. I've been growing it out/keeping it long just because, but today I finally decided it was time to say goodbye. The reasons there's not a full picture of what I wore today is because of what happened at dinner. My son oldest spilled his sprite and most of it (ice included) ended up on me and my lap. So clothes went straight to the laundry when we got home. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 431

My ankles reminded me why I'm not supposed to spend too much time on my feet today. Took another one of the hubby's shirts and wearing 4 year old black leggings, pulled up into capris and black and white 5 year old black and white flip flops. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 430

It was an interesting day, but overall a fun one. Took another of the hubby's shirts to wear and grabbed my 3 year old BCBGeneration capris (same flip flops) to wear to the tea (it was acually orange soda) party with my kids at my in-laws. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 429

Although my day started incredibly early, i still somehow didn't manage to find time this morning to wash my hair. So yes, my hair is greasy, not wet. I did remember deodorant (or I'm sure the cute children at the therapy clinic I take monkey 2 to on Wednesdays would have told me I smell bad). I grabbed one of my husbands favorite shirts and wore another pair of skinny jeans and the same flip flops because I have a bruise on the top of my right foot from a run in with a rocking horse that wasn't supposed to be in the hallway. 

Day 428

I'll be honest. I didn't have the hubby take a picture because I was feeling fat. A lot of my friends are posting about all their work outs and achievements weight loss wise (which I am very proud of them for, this has nothing to do with them being awesome), but my overly competitive self had to keep reminding myself that I'm pregnant and now is not the time to see how fast I can form and tone up my muscles. Of course having 3 kids and living 20 minutes from my gym also helps too. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 427

Today I was reminded that my husband is just as big of a clothes horse as I am. He even let me raid his old "too small shirts" box from back when he was really skinny and I think I have now found all the shirts I'll wear for this pregnancy. Yes I made him chubby, now he's not going anywhere. 😇 anyways, the jeans and flip flops are the same as yesterday, but the shirt is a gift my hubby got when he was in New Zealand. I did have time to put make up on today. Has to do it in the car while the hubby drove to monkey 1's 4 year check up, but I put some on! The dogs wouldn't leave me along while we were trying to get a picture, so two of them got to be in it. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 426

Today started off not so well, ended up being long, but I at least got to take a shower! I was lazy about my hair and let it air dry, since it didn't look all that great, I pulled it back. No make up and just ended up wearing a two year old hurly shirt and 4 year old pair of Levi's. Same flip flops as yesterday too. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Day 425

Today was supposed to be mostly spent at home, but ended up being long and stressful. Good news is that I did get a 15 minute nap in after we got home! Today I wore my month old pacers shirt (had to wear another shirt under it because for some reason designers think women like wearing see through shirts). I'll admit it, I wore the same jeans today that I did yesterday and same with the flip flops. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 424

So I've been thinking about this for awhile and I finally decided, why not. This is where I invite all the judgey people to get out their stones and cast them if they so chose. If you are thinking it's been almost 6 months and I still look either the same or puffier than when I had my baby girl, it's because I am.  I have been working out and even have lost a few pounds. Clothes still aren't fitting then way I want them to, but that's because I'm pregnant again. That's right. Last baby isn't even 6 months yet and we already have another on the way. You can now tell me how unhealthy and irresponsible it is if you'd like, but guess what, I don't care. Last time I got pregnant this soon after having a baby I miscarried. it broke my heart and I still cry when I think back to it.  So while no, I honestly didn't think we were going to have any more, I cannot tell you how happy I am that I get to be pregnant again. So until I either miscarry or have another baby, it's going to be wearing what fits of my clothes that I already have. 

Anyways, today was a two year old pair of skinny jeans from tjmaxx, a one year old shirt from old navy and one year old flip flops from old navy's $1 day sale on flip flops. 

Day 410 - 423

Took some personal time off for family reasons.