Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 343

Happy Mother's Day! It mostly was for me. Having a 4 year old is very trying and hard. Everything, and I do mean everything we asked him to do, he did the opposite. So he gets to stay the night with his grandparents (he made up for the rest of the day while we were over there). Anyways. Today's outfit was part Mother's Day gift and a go to shirt to feel "pretty" that ended up making me feel chubby. I do know that swelling in the abdomen is very common at this stage in pregnancy, but I still think I look fat. Anyways, the black capris are a Mother's Day gifts and the shirt is about 2 years old. Flip flops are a repeat and the necklace (don't think you can see the watch) I got for Valentine's Day, the watch was a Christmas gift. 

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