Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day 427

Today was a much needed relaxing one. I'm almost half way through this pregnancy and while the doctors and everything else say it's fine/normal/good to gain wait while pregnant, the extra 20 I've put on have been making me feel fast. Laugh if you want, but it's how I feel. Most of my clothes don't fit or are too tight. And I really am stealing my husbands clothes because I don't like how tight mine are fitting me. Anyways. Today I did wear a pair of my own jeans (they're stretchy and ride a little low anyways), the shirt is the hubby's and I just wore light blue flip flops, because after walking/sitting for a couple hours, my ankles swell up to at least twice the size they usually are. Oh but also, I got my eye brows waxed, my hair colored amd trimmed. And I even had them cut my bangs just to mix it up/keep me from doing highlights in my hair again for at least 4 months. 

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