Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 550

Today has been more dramatic than I wanted, but nothing major has happened. I'm now 35 weeks pregnant and more than ready to kick the little guy out so I can feel normal again. Today I went with the first t-shirt I could find, it's where my hubby went to college and it's comfy and I've only had it about a month. I've done really well about not shopping while pregnant, but these are the other pair of yoga pants I bought because I'm getting lazy about laundry and my belly is becoming huge. 

Day 546-549

Busy holiday weekend and I really only took pics of my kids. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 545

Today's pics are a little different because I took one of them while in the green monster and the other one while sitting in a waiting room. But today it's supposed to be a high of 60 degrees so I'm just wearing my rugby hoodie anyways. The pants are my fav pair of skinny jeans that always seem to fit, pregnant or not. The boots though have a sad reason. Since I'm pregnant and gaining weight, I can't wear any of my other boots (my calves have gotten too big for them) and I had to buy these a size too big because I couldn't get the right side to get past my heal. Not sure if I was doing it wrong or if my baby belly was just making it harder than it really was. Anyways, still got these and so far I like them (other than they're a size too big for me). 

Day 543-544

Busy mommy and pregnant stuff. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Day 542

Almost done!!! I'm officially 34 weeks pregnant and more than ready to kick this little guy out! Anyways, with kids getting sick and me just not feeling like getting dressed, today I decided to dress up a little for kicks. I wore my watch that I got for Christmas from the hubby and a necklace I just bought. The pants are the same as yesterday and the shirt is a couple years old, but it works even while pregnant. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day 541

Two out of three kids were sick this week, so things have been a bit off. Today was a little better since everyone is mostly better now. It's my last day of week 33 and this kid is making sure I remember all of it. Anytime I tried to bend down to pick something up or put shoes on, he kicks my stomach up ever farther than it is already and I either about throw up or getting incredibly bad heartburn. Anyways, the pants are my maternity pants o got when I was pregnant with my oldest and the shirt is super comfy and about 2 years old. 

Day 533-540

Busy, crazy week. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 532

It's Friday! But I still have a 4 and a half year old that is really good at being 4 and a half. Today was, yet again, all about comfort. I've had the shirt for about 6 years now, but the pants (that ended up getting soaked in Dr Pepper and getting washed) I bought on Monday. Pretty sure you can see my belly button popping out. Yes, my belly really is this big at only 32 weeks (almost 33 now though).  

Day 530-531

Busy busy. 

Day 529

Got bored waiting at the doctors office and since they have a mirror in the room, I thought why not. The shirt I've had for a couple years and the pants I bought yesterday because the jeans I was wearing were not feeling all that great on the baby bump. 

Day 528

It was Monday, not much else to say. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Day 527

Yesterday was hard and stressful, so happy today was a lot slower. I went for mostly comfort with my 9 west jeans that aren't really maternity, but work like they are. And the shirt, I'll be honest, I slept in it last night and will probably sleep in it tonight also. I did also end up wearing flip flops today as my footwear. But here I am, all 32 weeks pregnant and hoping I can make it to at least 37 weeks. Oh and the necklace is one that my oldest made for me at school. He wants me to wear it pretty much all the time. 

Day 524-526

Busy busy busy. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 523

I finally remembered to actually take a picture this morning! My belly feels and looks huge. My back has been killing me and the heartburn is even worse. I've given up on avoiding "certain foods that cause heartburn" because all I have to do is think about food to get it. I am now in the middle of week 31 of this pregnancy and yes, I'm wearing black sweat pants I bought when I was pregnant the last time and the shirt is a few months old, but being worn a lot because it's long and comfy. 

Day 521-522

Busy pregnant mom stuff and clothes I keep repeating. 

Day 520

I didn't take any pictures of my clothes, but I did document why being pregnant isn't all that much fun for me. Last night about 20 minutes before they let me go home, the baby decided it didn't like the water I had been drinking (I was dehydrated and since I don't like needles, they let me drink water instead of giving me an IV). Here's what my face and neck looked like the next day from what all the baby rejected. 

Day 519

This isn't what I wore the entire day for Halloween, but I did think I should show off this lovely gown the hospital, ever so kindly, gave me to wear for a few hours while they made sure that baby #4 didn't try and come out at 30 weeks. I was just so happy to be there and give away some of my blood. 

Day 515-518

I may or may not have just worn pjs around everywhere.