Friday, May 1, 2015

Day 424

So I've been thinking about this for awhile and I finally decided, why not. This is where I invite all the judgey people to get out their stones and cast them if they so chose. If you are thinking it's been almost 6 months and I still look either the same or puffier than when I had my baby girl, it's because I am.  I have been working out and even have lost a few pounds. Clothes still aren't fitting then way I want them to, but that's because I'm pregnant again. That's right. Last baby isn't even 6 months yet and we already have another on the way. You can now tell me how unhealthy and irresponsible it is if you'd like, but guess what, I don't care. Last time I got pregnant this soon after having a baby I miscarried. it broke my heart and I still cry when I think back to it.  So while no, I honestly didn't think we were going to have any more, I cannot tell you how happy I am that I get to be pregnant again. So until I either miscarry or have another baby, it's going to be wearing what fits of my clothes that I already have. 

Anyways, today was a two year old pair of skinny jeans from tjmaxx, a one year old shirt from old navy and one year old flip flops from old navy's $1 day sale on flip flops. 

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