Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 7

The jeans I've had for about 6 or so months. I only bought them because I was wearing a pair of jeans that was digging into my hips and starting to bruise and they were only $16.99 at tjmaxx. Only bad thing about them is the front pockets are sewed shut. The shirt I got last week (a week and a half for shipping). It's the all blacks and is my husbands favorite rugby team and I wanted to match. The shoes are 2 years old I think also and super comfy so I might cheat and wear them again before I'm done wearing all my shoes. And the 3rd foot is not mine. That would be baby #1

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 6 (I think?)

The shirt is about 3 years old and still very comfy. The jeans I bought a little before I was pregnant with my second baby. The shoes I've had for 6 years maybe 7. They're slip ons so I have worn them without socks but since I never worked out in them they're still in pretty good shape.

These jeans on amazon.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 5

It's only 8 degrees outside so I'm dressing warm. The shirt is almost a year old while the thermal is almost 9 years old. My shoes (which are very comfy) are about 5 and a half years old.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 4 part 2

Boys are in a hurry to get out the door and I already have socks on so I picked these suckers up. I've has them about a year and keep forgetting I have them.

Day 4

The shirt I got as a gift from my parents for Christmas and the jeans I bought just about 3 years ago. Not sure what shoes I'm going to wear today. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 3 part 2

My husbands coworkers dad died (did you get all that) and so we're going to the viewing. The shirt I've has for about 4 and a half years, the jeans about 17 months (got them shortly after having baby #2).

These jeans on amazon.

Day 3 part 1 cont

I forgot to take a picture of my slippers for the day!

Day 3 part 1

Today is one of my low key days. My youngest has an occupational therapy appointment at home, so I'm going to stay in my pjs. They aren't very old and my pj pants are super soft and have pockets! (Bought them in the mans section telling my husband I would share them with him). And my shirt is an emergency one that I bought at tjmaxx after one of my boys spilled something on my other one and it was bad bought to need to spend $3 on a new one. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 2 part 2

My migraine still hasn't gone away so I found one of my favorite t-shirts and steelers pants (and grabbed a snuggle buddy to keep me company while everyone else naps)

Day 2

Don't tease me too bad I'm running late for church and took this in a hurry and tried to get my boots in the picture this time also. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 1 part 2

Since the temp was in the upper 50's and all the snow and ice is gone I decided to wear these. I got them a couple years ago as a "matching set" (a pair for me and a pair for my husband). 

Day 1

Day one is a horrible picture but I have to start somewhere. This is one of my favorite steelers shirts and the last pair of jeans that I bought from the junior section of a store. The shirt I've only had for a few months but I've has the jeans for 5 years. I'll post a picture of what shoes I'll wear later today. 


If you're anything like me you have shoes and clothes (maybe mostly t-shirt and comfy pants or shorts) that you've have for a long time. They either have a special meaning, they were a gift, a hand me down from a friend (and you're scared to get rid of it because they might notice), or you're hoping that one day it'll fit again. I can find a reason to keep all of my clothes and shoes. I can even tell you a good story why I should keep them!
A few weeks ago I went to a small swap meet with some of the ladies from my church. I was amazed at home many clothes I took to get rid of! Sad thing was though that I still have one and a half dressers, one closest and 3 60+ gallon tubs of clothes! That's not even counting my shoes! When I got home I was watching something with my husband where the character burned all of her stuff to get rid of bad memories, so I thought I'd do the same. I went through my clothes and shoes and got a full tote or tub thing of clothes that brought back bad memories. But I still feel like I have too many clothes and shoes.
So long story short, I thought that I'd make this blog about what I have to keep me for buying more if I don't really need it. Every day I'm going to wear a different pair of shoes, a different shirt and a different pair of pants, skirt or dress until I have worn everything once.
Anyone that is willing to try this with me is more than welcome and feed back on why or why not to keep things is always welcome too!